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News Roundup – Recent health news worth talking about
Icariin and Longevity

Icariin and Longevity

A recent study (references below) brought to mind that the wide ranging benefits of Icariin on health and function extend to longevity. I take the stuff, from S5 Labs, it is an extract of Horney Goat Weed standardized to 50% Icariins. I take 3 capsules per day; one in...

Adenosine Injections Regrow Knee Cartilage – (In Mice)

Adenosine Injections Regrow Knee Cartilage – (In Mice)

Adenosine Injected into Arthritic Joints Produces Cartilage Regrowth; so says the press release regarding a study cited at: This is a promising outcome; between 50% and 35% regrowth in mice injected with a liposomal...

Could We Kill this Epidemic in a Month?

Could We Kill this Epidemic in a Month?

The world has been dealing with this Corona virus since late December 2020, and China before that. Data on the severity of outcomes has been gathered from around the world, showing that severity is highly dependent on Vitamin D status. We in the US typically use the...

Great Promise for Stem Cell Vesicles in Life Extension

Great Promise for Stem Cell Vesicles in Life Extension

Over a decade ago, stem  cells were promised to repair virtually everything in our bodies, but over time researchers noticed that very few stem cells actually survive transplanting over the long term, and began looking at what stem cells (SCs) were doing to cause the...

We review many newsletters and daily bulletins related to health interests of seniors working to stay strong, fit, and disease/pain-free into advanced age. We offer here the useful highlights, in support of our strategies for optimal aging, but without complete assurance of validity; do your own followup please.

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