The Promise of iPSC Vesicles for Vertebral Disk Repair

The Promise of iPSC Vesicles for Vertebral Disk Repair

Take any old skin cell (or a million or so), add the four Yamanaka Factors reversing it's/their age to make it/them into near embryonic stem cells (induced pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells or iMSCs), feed them and let them multiply, then harvest the signaling...

The State of Senolytic Drug Development and Deployment

The State of Senolytic Drug Development and Deployment

Senolytic drugs (or compounds) are a promising tool for reducing the impact of aging, potentially pushing the onset of the diseases of aging out into the far future. So how far along are we to deploying this potential tool for the average citizen's benefit? There are...

An Update on Cartilage Repair

An Update on Cartilage Repair

Can an 81 year old gym rat regrow knee cartilage? It seems so. In July 2020, I was ramping up my leg-press load to see if I could get back to 10 plates per side (1000 lb including the sled). When I got to 8 plates per side on my last set that day, my left knee really...

Update on Potential Prostate Cancer Treatement

Update on Potential Prostate Cancer Treatement

On September 18, 2019 I had an MRI that found two suspicious loci in my prostate, one of which was diagnosed as likely stage 1 Prostate cancer and the other as transitional, I chose to try an underground approach shown to be selective at killing cancer cells via 4...

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