I have been a busy boy for the last month with Easter’s approach and celebrating Holy Week; too wrapped up in it to write Frank’s Column. I have spent a great deal of time trying to understand how Senior Fitness.com suddenly lost search engine favor and traffic from search results on topics related to our content dropped by a factor of ten over a two week period. I have decided not to be upset over it and to continue preaching my conviction that we have the power to radically improve our health by taking the right actions. With appropriate exercise, correct eating patterns, the right supplements, adequate rest and recovery and a focus on improvement at any age, we can enhance the enjoyment of life and recover health.
Life Extension Foundation has been my primary and most credible source for both information related to the aging process (and how to slow it) and nutrients or supplements with which to wage the battle. LEF.org reviews virtually every medical study done on the planet, assesses the implications of the results for combating the aging process, reports the findings months or years before the medical community, the press or the government, and then takes action to create products that make measurable changes in health. They fund and conduct independent research on age-related disease processes untainted by the Big Pharma complex, and they wage a tireless battle with the FDA to put nutritional truth before the public, to break the dependency on the Medical/Pharmaceutical/Government monopoly controlling health information. They fight in the courts and have won a string of decisions against the FDA resulting in case law that allows us, the consumer, to be informed about the health benefits of foods and food-derived supplements.
Life Extension has for a decade been a major part of my efforts to maintain my health and fitness. I have taken Life Extension Mix that long as my baseline nutrient complex, and over the years, have added products as the technology has developed. I take their CoQ10 and Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer to protect these energy factories from the statins my cardiologist insists I take if I want to keep his services. I take ArthroMax to heal the damage those heavy leg exercises create (and it works). I take PeakATP with GlycoCarn to protect my arteries endothelium so I hopefully never have to undergo another bypass operation. I have used several earlier products, and upgraded when they discovered new health factors and built products around them. I strongly recommend that you check out their website, become a member and get the magazine. I post many of their articles here on this site, but there is so much more to learn from them. The icon below will take you to their membership page.
Frank Wilhelmi – Retired/consultant electronic engineer researches and reports practical strategies for optimizing health and fitness into advanced age. “I have a passion for living life to the fullest, and helping others to do the same.” A rapidly growing body of knowledge now enables us to extend our health and fitness decades beyond popular expectations.