By Lisa LaCount Water is an all important component in our lives. Drinking water is vital to our health and lack of it for more than 24 hours becomes a life threatening situation. 2/3 of the body consists of water and various tissues and organs in the body are made up...
By Meda Morales The remedies for cancer of cervix vary in accordance with the severity and stage of that cancer. If discovered in its early stages, treatment is more minimal and less surgical as opposed to cancer that has progressed and melted further in to the walls...
Frequently, I remind myself that I’m not a doctor of anything, nor a researcher in the pure sense. I am an engineer, of electronic circuit design background, with a near lifetime designing missile-borne Radar systems. I am focused on using technologies,...
Let’s do a roundup of the top strategies for extending health and fitness into advanced age; it is a good thing to review what we know works on a periodic basis. Here are two numbered lists of the DON’Ts and DOs to help the average human to a long and...
Starting next week we will be putting out a newsletter to our readers highlighting recent breakthroughs in life extension and optimization of health and fitness for seniors. Sign up for the newsletter, and we will e-mail you an overview of The Six Critical Keys to...